Camp Bliss

Camp Bliss

We are currently sitting on top of a beautiful overlook outside of Jackson, Wyoming.  Our trailer is parked on a small bluff that makes it feel like we are sitting on an island.  Just below us is a gently flowing stream. Just in front of us is a splendid view of the Grand Tetons.

Aside from the cold night-time temperature of 28*F, it really doesn’t get much better!  On top of our beautiful setting, there is just enough like minded campers around to make us feel somewhat secure, without being crowded.  To top it all off, the campsite is free!

It is amazing how much the campsite and environment really does affect our moods and the trip.  Waking up to a wonderful view does a great job of curing morning grumpiness in the event, for example, that you didn’t sleep much the night before due to misjudging the cold weather and neglecting to wear proper long underwear Winking smile.

Although our plans were to initially just camp in Jackson for one night, we’ve decided to stay for a few days to enjoy the town, the sites, and camp setting.  Today we enjoyed a 5 mile hike with the dogs along the Snake river.  Tomorrow we will explore the cute town center, and after that, who knows!?

Jackson Hole campsites overlooking the Elk Refuge
Our campsite is in the center-left of the image. It was a fantastic setting. The green fields are the Elk Refuge, which is a winter sanctuary for up to 5k Elk every year!
Jackson Hole campsites overlooking the Elk Refuge
This is another view of our campsite. It felt like we were on our own island!
Jackson Hole campsites overlooking the Elk Refuge
A final perspective of our campsite, with the dogs lounging in front of the truck.


So… we ended up getting lost in no-man’s-land without internet for quite some time.  As a result, this post is being published a few weeks after the initial writing.  The pictures that fosummarize our fantastic time in Jackson hole.  Besides the wonderful campsite, the town itself is one that we would love to come back to.  It felt a lot like 2 of our favorite towns back home:  Bend and Hood River, OR.

Mountain Goats
These mountain goats were just down the road from our camp!
Frozen Jenny Lake
Frozen Jenny Lake with the Tetons in the background. We would love to come back and Scuba dive Jenny lake. Apparently there is a still-preserved underwater forest 200′ below the surface.
Leah Sorensen in front of the Tetons
Leah standing in front of the Tetons and the partially frozen Jackson lake
Grand Teton Panorama over Jackson Lake
The Tetons viewed across from Jackson lake. The reflection is one one of the only parts of the lake that was not still frozen through.



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