Our Utah Journey
Reluctantly leaving Jackson, Wyoming; we started heading south into Utah. Utah has become one of our favorite places after our Thanksgiving trip to Zion and Grand Staircase-Escalante. While we LOVED Jackson, we were pretty excited to embark on our adventures in Utah. We decided to stick with a less than 5 hour drive, which made Salt Lake City our next destination. We chose a free campsite about a hour outside the City with all the intention to stay and explore the city the next day. Well… after experiencing our worst night’s sleep and our lack of trust in the local people, we moved on to other things. The location was beautiful but the people did not seem to have a respect for what they have (might be the PNW in me that is judging).

This did however allow us to spend some time in the Bonneville Salt Flats, which turned out to be amazing! The best place to easily step out onto the flats is at the Rest Area on I-80. Who knew a rest area could be so awesome?!?! We walked out onto the playa (dry lake), not sure what to expect. Turns out the salt was rough, cold, damp and incredibly interesting. We then proceeded with a photoshoot (salt flats have got to be one of the best, most neutral backdrops you can ask for!!). Dusty and Loki took it in stride of course!

We then moved on to the Salt Flat Raceway. This is where the first land speed record was set in 1914. Once you drive out on it, you can totally understand how these cars race on this surface. It feels almost like concrete but the white expanse gives you a strange sense of vertigo. Either way, it was so cool! We flew the drone, drove in circles and went as fast as comfortable (towing Sherman makes things a bit more tricky). Secretly wishing were were in a drag car instead!
Lesson from today… Be spontaneous and allow for sudden changes in plans. It might be the best decision you made that day!