Getting High in Colorado

Getting High in Colorado

Andy has been determined to hike a 14er while we are in Colorado. I, on the other hand, could care less. So after many attempts and best weather window options, it was decided we would hike Mt. Elbert.

Mt. Elbert is the highest mountain in the Rockies, measuring at 14,439’. Our hike was 10 miles and 4000’ of elevation. The best part of this particular mountain, is that the route is really just a hike. It is a very well kept up trail and easy to navigate. So if I am going to hike a 14er, this is probably the best option.

Not quite to the top yet!

We of course took both Loki and Dusty with us. They had to carry packs and hold their own water. I think Loki loves his pack, Dusty on the other hand is not sure what to do with it (he struggles with the fact that he is now 6″ wider, and proceeds to ram the pack into any tree or rock in the way of the pack!). Sometimes breed really does make a difference.

Dusty having a grand time, even with his pack on!

Since this was a mountain, it is all UP! Although some of the “up” is less steep (which is nice)! We did start out in a lovely forest, crossed a creek or two, had views of some lakes, and looked upon the mountain we were about to ascend (turns out we were looking at the wrong mountain the whole time, we needed to hike even higher!!).

I kept an incredibly slow pace but was really good at keeping my heart rate below 80 BPM. This was the only way that I was making it up this mountain. I am not going to lie, it was tough! You kind of get in your own world, one foot in front of the other and keep going up!

Lovely view but constant up!

The top is a whole new world!!! There were a ton of people (it was 4th of July) and they were all so happy. You can’t help but smile and be proud of what you just did! Each and every one of us, climbed a mountain!!! I know this is not Everest or even Shasta or Rainer but it is an accomplishment all the same.

Celebration at the top, what a view!
Andy and Dusty, two peas-in-a-pod.

Time to crack a beer and celebrate!

Seems to be a tradition on the top of a 14er!

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