Wow, just WOW!

Wow, just WOW!

Written while sitting in a dive bar in Middleport, New York

Niagara Falls has been on the list of one of the many places we wanted to visit while on this year long adventure. However, we would not say that it was on the top of our list. To be honest, we had fairly low expectations. We expected to see a million tourists, the viewpoints and parking to be incredibly expensive, and thought it would be be significantly less fun than a trip to the Columbia Gorge waterfalls. We were so definitely wrong!

Our first stop was the Visitor Center (this is our first stop in many towns, states, national parks, etc.). We asked if we could walk the park, take the dogs and park anywhere for free. Turns out, we could do all of these things! What a nice surprise! She kindly highlighted the free parking, walking paths and main attractions.

Our first reaction was WOW! The water flows at incredible speeds, and the rapids are huge (and we are not even talking about the falls yet). It was impressive until we laid our eyes on American Falls and Bridal Veil Falls (aka “the little ones”).  We had heard the Canada side gets a better view of the falls, but it is worth standing at the top of the falls to experience the feeling of their massive presence.

Niagra rapids before dropping 250+ feet over the falls.
Andy standing in front of Bridal Veil Falls, the smallest of the 3 falls that make up Niagara Falls.
Leah standing to Andy’s right, in front of American Falls. These 2 falls make up only slightly more than 1/10 the volume of Horseshoe Falls!
American Falls with the pronounced Rainbow that gives the road over the bridge it’s name.
One last shot of American and Bridal Veil together, with the bridge to Canada in the background.

Our next stop was Horseshoe Falls (aka “the big one”) and yes, it was HUGE! 2,500ft and a flow of 675,000 gallons/second (seriously 600K GALLONs per second!!). What a site! The feel of the mist, the intensity of the water and the crazy blowing of the wind. How in the world have people managed to go over the falls in barrels???

That’s right. 675,000 GALLONS per SECOND! It’s hard to fathom. And that’s after 50-60% of the flow is diverted to a power generating dam.
The both of us in front of Horseshoe Falls.
A shot of Horeshoe falls with one of the many tour boats that stop just short of the impressive falls.

Overall, Niagara Falls is totally and completely worth it! I am not sure we have seen something so spectacular and at a cost of nothing!


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