Ouray: A slice of Switzerland and home.
It’s about 10am and we are just starting to get moving. We took our time waking up this morning; the sound of a flowing river nearby blocks any outside noise, and a slight rain kept the sun at bay.
We are currently camped just outside of Ouray, Colorado. Ouray is a beautiful old mining town nestled in a valley surrounded by the sheer cliffs and mountain peaks of the San Juan Range of the Rockies. Some call Ouray America’s Switzerland, and we can see why!
There are many things we like about this town, mostly all relating to the potential for outdoor adventures, but one thing that stands out is how much it reminds us of our home in the Northwest. The scenery is different, for sure, but being surrounded by lush greenery and fir trees is fondly reminiscent for us. Even the trail on yesterday’s hike seemed like it could have been in the Columbia River Gorge, except for the high elevation, which does tire us out much sooner than at sea level!
Following are a few pictures of yesterday’s hike. It is a relatively new route called the Ouray Perimeter Trail, and, although not quite finished, is a well maintained trail that takes you around the outer rim of the town, and guides you through a sampling of the great scenery, waterfalls, and mine remnants Ouray has to offer. It is currently a 6.5 mile loop that ends just shy of completely walking around the town. Since the final perimeter section is still being completed, you currently finish with a pleasant walk through the North end of town (this should not be missed, as you will walk by beautiful homes built in the late 1800s and still being lived in).