Category: Canyoneering

Cassidy Arch Canyon

Cassidy Arch Canyon

With our new found passion for canyoneering, we searched out canyons in Capital Reef National Park as soon as we arrived.  We were definitely not disappointed with Cassidy Arch Canyon!  It made for a great half-day adventure.  The ease of access, fun rappels, and beautiful scenery gave us reason to actually do it twice in…

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Canyons, Canyons, Canyons

Canyons, Canyons, Canyons

The Subway kicked our butt and we were sore for a few days but nevertheless it was time to try another canyon hike. Another highly recommended canyon for beginners was Orderville Canyon. Orderville actually spits you out at the most epic part of The Narrows (WallStreet) and you walk it back toward the Zion shuttle.…

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Zion and All Its Wonder

Zion and All Its Wonder

Last November, we did a week long road trip from San Francisco to Zion and that is truly what started this whole adventure for us. We fell in love with its awe and beauty! The sheer size and grace of the sandstone canyons leave you with the feeling of amazement, wonder and adventure lust. Sometimes…

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