Category: Colorado

Ouray: A slice of Switzerland and home.

Ouray: A slice of Switzerland and home.

It’s about 10am and we are just starting to get moving.  We took our time waking up this morning;  the sound of a flowing river nearby blocks any outside noise, and a slight rain kept the sun at bay. We are currently camped just outside of Ouray, Colorado.  Ouray is a beautiful old mining town…

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A Via Ferrata in the US? Awesome!!

A Via Ferrata in the US? Awesome!!

A Via Ferrata in the US? Awesome!! How this all started… Andy: Hey want to go do this? (shows Leah an awesome but scary picture of someone hanging off a cliff side) Leah: Sure, looks like fun! Andy: What? That is not what I expected you to say! Leah: What did you expect? Andy: No…

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Forgotten Civilization?

Forgotten Civilization?

Today was a major shift from our Utah desert adventures.  We spent the day exploring Mesa Verde National Park, which is perhaps the most unique national park we have visited yet.  It was a drastic change from the parks and adventures of our last month, since it focused on ancient culture and architecture rather than…

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