Category: Maine

Acadia Delight, Part 1

Acadia Delight, Part 1

To be honest, we entered Acadia National Park in a bit of a slump.  It’s a hard concept to sufficiently describe in a blog, but we have been suffering from a case of “it’s not grand enough.”  It’s a condition that’s been festering since Colorado, and came to a spike on the drive to Acadia.…

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Tumbling up a Mountain

Tumbling up a Mountain

One of the many lessons we have learned on this trip:  no matter how crowded or intimate the locale, if you see empty seats available at an eatery or pub, don’t be afraid to ask if they are available.  The worse case is the people next to the seats say, “no, they are not.” The…

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The OTHER Portland.

The OTHER Portland.

We entered Portland, Maine after a 5 hour drive from our campsite in Vermont.  We traveled through beautiful countryside as we passed through the hills of Vermont, and New Hamphire countryside. Our drives have become more and more enjoyable with the East Coast proclivity for turnpikes and tolls, since our navigation avoids them and thus…

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